Thursday, November 6, 2008


learning to post again is becoming more difficult with each passing day

a follow up on equality

Still coming to terms with a new political landscape - Come from the blog of astranavigo celebrating Thomas Jefferson,

my comment:

It is all about your point of view, you are willing to ignore the hypocrisy of slave owners. You know the truth about the “founding fathers” wish to preserve privilege at the expense of others they would not see as equal.

“The cat in the picture believed in the right of every person to be heard. He also believed in a system of government which would allow each person's vote, when taken together and counted, to direct the nation's leaders. Those leaders would also be elected by the people, using a system which would not permit outright mob-rule (which is, after all, what a 'pure democracy' really is).”

They may have been interested in your “rights” they did not extend the same rights to my fore fathers, not even a basic right to be free.

Every time you praise these men you fail to consider the many Americans who don’t share you exalted view of a privilege few land owners, men who did not extend the same “rights” for many other human beings.

There has never been a time in American history; when many knew they did not share equality with other Americans, until now with election of one black man. Did you fail to appreciate the joy expressed on many faces?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Winged Turtle

The winged turtle with forget-me-not

Tim Brennan wrote: "There are turtle and rabbits in this life. We with dementia are the turtles.Turtles with wings will signify us turtles helping other it will also signify us turtles rising to the heights of our ablities with our wings"

Friday, January 11, 2008

when is too much

I am on one too many sites I think. Spread too thin.
yahoo! 360
Windows live Spaces
and with the many political blogs I read it's no wonder I cannot get to everthing often. It almost like my last job, I can never catch up.
On the bright side it keeps me out of serious trouble.

Friday, September 21, 2007

searching thr terry

attemping to learn Blogger is not so easy when you can get to where you want to go to your brother's new blog/

TLW in China

Monday, July 16, 2007

new stuff

When you are retired Mondays are no longer dreaded as the worst day of the week. Any day you can get out of bed is a good day!

My cousin JM is new to blogging and I want to set an example for good or worse. I am an "old hand" been blooging for 5 months.

My sister hasn't had a blog post in a while so I can't use her as an example

Any one have a recommendation or review on yahoo! 360, postive or negitive?